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"kbin How To" on front page would help people new to kbin

I feel like a highlighted basic "kbin how to" on the frontpage would really help kbin in the beginning, I still feel like I don't know exactly how all of this works, didn't knew what things like "boost" means, the difference between adding a new article/ post/ photo is still not clear to me. Just a really simple 1 minute how to would really help this page get going and help stranded redditors and new people :)


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  • @mpro

    Welcome and I hope things are not too overwhelming.

    It’s not quite the FAQ I think you’re looking for, but this little one might help with a few things. I’m working on more and hopefully will have a third one soon.[email protected]/t/20459/A-small-FAQ-to-hopefully-help-new-users-to-kbin

    Good luck and cheers

    • thanks!
      nah, managble at the moment, just feel I'm not the only one finding it not so clear cut when it comes to how kbin and the whole new concept of fediverse works( seeing a lot of the same questions asked over and over again by other users as well), super stoked tho on what this will hopefully become :)