What's Changed
fix: make sure text after an empty quote is rendered by @AkesiSeli in #62
refactor: remove :unit:choosefont dialogs by @AkesiSeli in #63
refactor: remove copy post bottom sheet by @...
Thanks to all those who reached out to me to report bugs, here is the new version containing the following changes:
fix for block action from timeline;
restored user manual URL;
fix for multi-paragraph quote rendering;
font size and typeface are visibile again in their selection bottom sheets;
migration towards Material 3 modal bottom sheets is finally over (this was quite a hard and time consuming task which drained resources from other activities);
Yes, I'll do it! You can always add instances with the "+" button in the title bar, but having default values for the most common ones saves a lot of user time! Thanks for the feedback 🙏🏻🚀