Our SoloBoardGaming community has been wanting to do more polls and pulse taking to get a better picture of what's popular and some data about the solo aspects related to each game.
We will attempt to slowly add all soloable games over time. We will be VERY slowly adding games from:
I have a lot of thoughts about Arkham LCG. Playing it solo is doable but tricky if you want to play it "one handed". If you're able to play it two handed (one person controlling two characters) that will greatly increase the number of play styles/investigators that are feasible. When you play as a single investigator you have to be able to fight and investigate running as sort of a Jack of All Trades and that can make deck building a little more difficult.
Yeah, true solo (the term that is generally used for playing games "one handed") is definitely a really big discussion point when it comes to soloboardgaming. A lot of people will only play a game if it has balanced or qualities that support it while others have no problem playing 2+ handed, depending on the game. I'm personally of the "I don't mind playing multihanded camp" but totally understand the preference. That is why we include those qualities in the poll because it helps to understand what portion of the community prefers which style (and helps those who prefer those styles find those games).
I think once you get deeper into the system though, there are more enabling cards and investigators that allow for true solo, at least on the easier difficulties. Luckily, there are deck building experts who share their decks over at Arkhamdb if you aren't heavy into the deck building stuff though.