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Library Book Tells Kids They'll Be Depressed If They're Not Trans Library Book Tells Kids They'll Be Depressed If They're Not Trans

My friend's 4-year-old daughter picked up a children's book promoting transgenderism at the public library. Its content alarmed both of us.

Library Book Tells Kids They'll Be Depressed If They're Not Trans

“I’m a moderate who previously thought the book bans were outrageous,” my friend told me, referring to the attempt by some local governments to restrict sex-themed kids’ books in public libraries and schools. “I support the gays and the queens but not the idea of teaching a child they should be depressed over the gender they were born into.”

It’s worth repeating that she had no idea her child had chosen this book until after she and her family had gotten home. She had assumed that when her daughter came back to her with a vibrant picture book plucked from the kids’ section that it was harmless literature for children. But as we’ve seen, the kids are no longer off limits. The militant transgender activist lobby is out to get them and this is how they’re doing it.


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