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Server and Lemmy updates

Hello! I recently completed an upgrade to the server that doubles the memory from 1GB to 2, doubles the throughput, and puts things on a better Intel processor. I found (as I expected) that Lemmy was running steadily with maxed out memory, and the increase has already done wonders.

For quick reference, I recommend (and I'm pretty sure docs recommend) having a minimum of 2GB of RAM on your server. I was able to get away with 1GB, but I don't recommend it, especially as your instance grows.

Here are some screenshots that show the change:

CPU usage:

Memory usage:

In addition to upgrading the server, I've also updated Lemmy UI to 0.18.2 and the backend to 0.18.1. This should cover some fixes that were recently made to address the JWT hack issues and some other instances recently encountered.

Happy swimming!


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