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What's the furthest you've been from your home? What was the experience like?

I once took a trip to eastern Europe (multiple locations) which took me about half way across the world from where I'm at. I think I'd have been closer to home if I went any further east or west at that point.


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  • I lived most of my life in the Northeast US. My wife and I sold our house to live in a van. We're currently in Alaska which is definitely as far from the Northeast that I've been. Other than Alaska, I've been to Mexico City which is also pretty far.

    This year we will be visiting Iceland and Czechia so that will definitely be the furthest from home.

    • Czechia is beautiful. beautiful architecture and don't get me started on food and beer!

      • I'm mostly excited about the Let it Roll music festival and the beer, but we're staying in Prague for about a week so we will definitely be getting some good food and exploring the architecture. In the US we don't have old buildings like Europe does!

        • Agreed. I lived in Germany for a year, visiting the surrounding countries and I was floored. The black gate, Zurich and the mountains, in Switzerland, Paris France. All amazing

          • Germany is on my list as well due to my German last name, my German employer, and my German motorcycle but unfortunately I won't be able to fit it into this trip.

    • That's amazing. Never been to Alaska but it looks quite scenic, this would definitely be the time of year I'd want to go. Iceland has always been a place I wanted to visit at some point, hoping to get around to it, it's on my list for potential trips. As for vandwelling I've definitely been one to check r/vandwellers when I was still on Reddit, interesting lifestyle choice, seems very freeing.

      • Living in a van isn't all scenic vistas and glamorous lifestyles like Instagram leads a lot of people to believe. It can be quite challenging at times, but you're right it is very freeing! I haven't gotten tired of it yet!

        If you ever visit Alaska this time of year make sure you're prepared for the mosquitoes! It's beautiful but it's tough to be outside if they're swarming.