Is there any medicine that can give me happy hormones and does not need a doctor's prescription?
Things are becoming more depressing every day and I can't afford for professionals and don't want to jump to the last resort or drugs. Is there a medicine that can make me happy if I take it in proper doses and does not require a doctor's prescription?
I was looking for this recommendation and would have made it myself if I didn't find yours. My therapist specifically recommended it as a natural antidepressant. Honestly, it hasn't worked well for me as my body seems to rebel against any antidepressant attempt; however I'm shocked to see this so heavily downvoted.
Interesting that you were downvoted for this. Another commenter above mentioned it and didn't seem to get downvoted. I'm pretty ignorant of this substance. Would anyone care to elaborate in as scientific of a way possible on what this is and has the potential to do?