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Secret document says Iran security forces molested and killed teen protester Secret document says Iran security forces molested and killed teen protester

Revolutionary Guards' papers passed to the BBC give chilling details of Nika Shakarami’s last movements.

Secret document says Iran security forces molested and killed teen protester

An Iranian teenager was sexually assaulted and killed by three men working for Iran's security forces, a leaked document understood to have been written by those forces says.

It has let us map what happened to 16-year-old Nika Shakarami who vanished from an anti-regime protest in 2022.

Her body was found nine days later. The government claimed she killed herself.

We put the report's allegations to Iran's government and its Revolutionary Guards. They did not respond.

Marked "Highly Confidential", the report summarises a hearing on Nika's case held by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) - the security force that defends the country's Islamic establishment. It includes what it says are the names of her killers and the senior commanders who tried to hide the truth.


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  • You just pastebinned a generic unresearched islamophobia comment and did not manage to quote the scripture for any of your claim. Good job proving my point.

    • Everything I posted is quite literally either part of the Quran or Hadiths. They all are cited too so yeah, I did quote the scripture and you're free to flick through scripture yourself to find them.

      The first citations are ones I researched myself to refute your comment, and the others are from a list I saved a while back of the lovely... poetry of the Quran.

      I'm very sorry they make Islam look bad. Take it up with the authors.

      .. Oh wait

      • Weird the Hadith is the scripture? You must be an expert.

        • Uhh, yes? The hadiths are in fact part of Islamic scripture. Some considered more trustworthy than others, but they are all Islamic scripture in some form. I believe this specific Hadith I quoted for the initial point is considered "Sahih" (essentially, trustworthy).

          And wow. The only response you have to me is to argue the semantics of "scripture"? What's next? Certain parts of the Quran don't count either? Because I posted a lot of Quran verses.

          • I can see you lack basic reading comprehension because none if the verses you quoted support what you are saying.

            Did you even read what you posted by the way? I hope you did not write it yourself because else your interpretations are very... Special.

            "Murder of those who question Islam and decide it's wrong:

            "Surely those who reject Our signs, We will cast them into the Fire. Whenever their skin is burnt completely, We will replace it so they will ˹constantly˺ taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.""

            • Lmao the mental gymnastics coming from you are absolutely ridiculous.

              I'm sorry, what do you consider "casting people into the fire" because they "reject our signs"? If not an endorsement of murder of disbelievers!?

              • Whenever their skin is burnt completely, We will replace it so they will ˹constantly˺ taste the punishment. Indeed,

                Has anyone told you about the concept of hell yet?