Omg we have a VHS player! I actually have a bag of VHS tapes I got from an op shop last year. I've never played a VHS before and I'm kinda excited ngl
I don't even know what I bought honestly. There's a handwritten one about wildflowers, and some Disney movie, but I don't know about the rest. I just saw 10c each and was like "ooh! Old people media! I will buy!" Love ya, Vinnie's
Clean the heads, but please don’t use a head clean tape ( in the bizzare offchance you find one) those things were sandpaper, you want a light solvent.
Copying movies from the telly. You could buy blank tapes and record from a camcorder or copy from a telly, either by cable or just pointing the camera at the screen.
Ha. I have a VCR. I don't think it has been plugged into power at any point in the kids' lives. It's just been there at the bottom of the entertainment cabinet, dark and mysterious and ignored.
The only tapes I still have are Star Wars remastered (Han still shoots first) and 1997 editions. Widescreen versions.
I should put them on one day. In this day and age of streaming and Bly Rays, VHS will be an experience.