They've been taking credit for work done by talented engineers and scientists for many generations.
Those engineers and scientists were also capitalists rofl. Pfizer? Capitalist. Apple? Capitalist. Ford? Capitalist. Hell the only non capitalist quality of life enhancements we've had come from our military.
I'll bet a million dollars your comment is based on a dogmatic belief in capitalism and has absolutely no evidence whatsoever backing it up. You're basically just making shit up as you go without looking at any data at all. With a rose tinted lense towards capitalism because that's what you were taught to never question.
I'm not gonna fall for the old sealioning "find me evidence to prove something obvious" ploy. If you ever want to educate yourself, please just google a list of inventions of the past few centuries. And then send me a million dollars.
Thanks for proving I was right. You don't have shit to back up your bullshit. Capitalism didn't invent anything, science did that. But you don't give a shit about being correct, you have capitalist dogma to spread, regardless of facts.