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Daily Thread - Saturday, Get Diddly Down Today - 01/07/2023

Saturday! Comedown Day!
Big Breakfast Day! Berocca Day!
Love you all being you Day!
You Do You Day!

Edit: RIP 3rd Party Reddit Apps. You weathered that capitalist hellscape with grace and fortitude. We will never forget all that you stood for. πŸ’œ


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  • I am home from the hospital. Took a nasty fall on my carpeted stairs. I have hairline fractures on my L1, L2 and L3 on my vertebrae. so a lot of rest needed.

    • Oh no! You poor thing. Definitely rest up. At least it’s the perfect weather for just staying in bed all day

      • yea trying to not move too much, thankfully I got a rabbit bolster thing for the left side of my body.

    • oh gees, rest well the next few weeks. lots of gentle hugs

    • Ouch x 3. Stairs sometimes scare me for that reason. Rest well.

      • I see why my mum wanted us to buy a single-story house. I got a 3-storey townhouse. ah well, it is what it is. Just rest and be more careful of it.