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Daily Thread - Saturday, Get Diddly Down Today - 01/07/2023

Saturday! Comedown Day!
Big Breakfast Day! Berocca Day!
Love you all being you Day!
You Do You Day!

Edit: RIP 3rd Party Reddit Apps. You weathered that capitalist hellscape with grace and fortitude. We will never forget all that you stood for. 💜


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  • I think the spin and rinse cycle is broken.

    I just a test on using a heavy cycle and it filled up with water and spun.

    I’m going to do a complete cycle and see what happens.

    • What may have happened is you've put Mr oodie in on a gentle cycle when in fact Mr oldie is a big mf who holds a lot of water. Now the poor little machine you have is working overtime to move Mr oodie around plus its over balanced. Let the motor cool down then try a tea towel or something light so you can see the final outcome without having a shit load of sopping wet items. Sometimes machines just need to reset.

      • I’ve got one light item in running at the moment. The first part of the cycle worked.

        The 2nd part of the cycle where it spins the water out doesn’t work at all.


        • How old is your machine?

          • I’m not sure. I’ve had it for quite awhile.

            10-15 years old?

            It was working fine before I put the oodie in as I did a load before that today.

            • It's a little on the old side. Now listen. Unplug it and leave it alone tonight. Let the motor cool right down.Tomorrow, do a little test on the gentle cycle.

              • Ok. I’ll do that.

                What you said was right that it was overbalanced and I think what’s happened is that it’s come off the railing or whatever it is that makes it spin dry.

                I’ll have to come accept of it doesn’t come good that I’ll have to either wring the water out or just have the clothes drip dry from now on.

                Sorry for the delay. I was having an anxiety attack and needed to talk to someone even though I got a lecture back in return.

                • Oh mate. No one deserves a beating when they're suffering an anxiety attack. Hopefully the motor just needs a rest. Let us know what happens.

                  • It was with my dad. I told him what had been happening in my life and with the washer breaking. I just needed an his ear and I told him I what I was going through with my partner as he didn’t know that side of it.

                    Just piled into me a little harder than I would have liked because I’m aware of my situation and the choices I have made, whether right or wrong.

                    A lot of what he said was right but not all of it I hope.

                    Just the washer breaking down was the last thing I needed at the moment while I was financially stressed with supporting my partner.

                    I guess worst case I drip dry the clothes or use a laundromat.