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The latest episode of Strange New Worlds has a character (rather loudly) describe the Federation as Socialist


Just sharing this info because it feels good to see it acknowledged.

edit: removed a spoiler because apparently the spoiler tags don't hide the text when the post appears in lists


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  • I haven't watched it yet but that's good to hear! I had to laugh when The Orville had to explain how their society works and they said "None of this was possible until we moved beyond the need to buy and sell things."

    Yes it's called a post-scarcity economy. I haven't finished season 3 but I hear at the end of season 3 they have a much better explanation about how Earth progressed into their federation like organization. I think they do stop short of calling it socialism though.

    • How's Orville? I've heard plenty of praise, but it was mostly from rather suspicious types. And the trailer didn't look promising, with constipation jokes and whatnot

      • The first season is hard to watch. The second season they dial back the weird humor for a more serious tone with some situational comedy. It's a good season with some real dramatic episodes sprinkled in. The third season was picked up by Hulu. The budget is huge for that season, VFX, costuming, sets and make-up are massively improved. And the episodes are an hour long. This season is really good so far. Really powerful episodes. Probably the best time travel mishap episode of any sci-fi I've seen.

        So like any Trek show, it gets better with time. I'd give it a shot!