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Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 01 Dec 2023

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  • Bought some new Merino wool socks, they're a little thicker than I'd like, but they are very very comfy! The brand had some other styles that looked thinner, so I might give those a go. Also very very happy that they are 100% Australia-made and manufactured.

    • Ah Merino, so comfortable, yet so tasty to those f-ing moths. I've lost so much clothing recently, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

      • Natural mothballs, it's where it's at!

        • You mean Cedar balls? Cos they didn't do shit...

          • Dried clove, rosemary, and thyme can ward them off. Put some in a little bag and then put it amongst your clothes.

            • Nice. Altogether, or will rosemary just do the job?

              • All of what used to be termed ‘strewing herbs’ will help, none will do what a chemical bomb will.

          • Cedar balls are a mild preventative. They’’ll do jack shit about an infestation.. another old fashioned is a whole orange studded with cloves (dried out) and hung in your cupboards. Then good old lavender, there is a reason for granny smell

    • I got some of these once, washed them in hot water and they shrank to palm size and were unwearable. They were expensive too. Check the label for washing instructions and if none, wash these in cold water!

      • As someone who tries to only wear natural fibres, I have made this mistake an embarrassing amount of times.

        • I’ve heard possum socks are amazing, but the shrink factor is serious

    • do they have pretty pictures 🤭