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Daily Thread: Saturday. It’s Saturday 24 June 2023

Whether you have plans today or are just staying in. May your Saturday be an awesome one. Stay safe, keep warm. Peace!


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  • Some days they hand over the coffee and immediately I can sense it's a bit light and I'm like maybe they just made it extra frothy which is crap but whatever. Then I open the lid and sure enough it's not filled to the rim - like I mean a good 2cm under. My eye starts twitching and I'm like is that too petty for me to get pissed? At what point do you go this is bullshit and ask them to fill it right up (which reminds me of a simpsons episode where Homer was getting a dessert or something and was asking that acne teenager to "fill it up...righttt up")

    • Hmm I wonder if they don’t fill it to the brim incase people spill, if they’re the type to open the lid. Hot liquid splashes wouldn’t be fun?

    • It’s not petty, you pay for a coffee which is the size of cup that you bought. 2cm under is a lot. Sometimes if theyre making multiple coffees, they may have misjudged the milk needed and you got the short end of the stick.