Made a account just to post this, all you're doing is inconveniencing players of warframe, its obvious this is a failed experiment a majority of users aren't going to sign up for yet another site (especially one most people dont know anything about) just for warframe, and restricting access to the trove of posts on the subreddit and a place for the community to share content is just damaging to the game.
It's kinda funny how fast Reddit has escalated their threats in under a week. Also, their claims of being "profit driven" while ignoring Devs that were willing to (or at least inquiring about) use the new paid API for 3 months.
The instant tell for me, from the start, is that having Premium didn't let you use 3rd party apps.
Well, aside from the CEO's behavior, anyway.
Why is this whole profit thing a question? Premium is literally "Pay us instead of seeing ads" and it doesn't matter which frontend is using those resources if you've paid for them.
It would have solved all the theoretical problems, but not only didn't reddit offer it, they rejected it. Totally disingenuous. They don't want normal profit and money to run the servers, they want complete control over access to the content we generate, and all the metadata around that.
which isn't gonna happen in any reasonable amount of time, there are fractions of a fraction of users on this platform, and the outreach is horrendous if you didn't see the post about this place before the subreddit went down chances are you don't/ won't even know it exists
So I see the issue is what the mobile website/app shows you
This is what is visible at on desktop browsers:
And this is what is visible at on desktop browsers:
Then you should complain to Reddit for hiding you useful information to you, simply because doing that it is not useful for them, and not complain here to
Also wait the 30th of June when "where most users are", that is on mobiles apps and not on the mobile website because that one sucks badly, won't be able to see reddit at all, not only one sub