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DT Sunday Edition: 18 June 2023

Not sure who was making this one? Thanks to Goddess for doing the last couple.


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  • Wait so the reddit CEO is now going after mods? My dude, you can disagree with them all you like, but don’t piss off the folks who keep your site from becoming bloody Twitter when they do it for free! Oh and he praised Elon…. Whilst Twitter are getting evicted from one of their offices for not paying rent.

    Get comfortable gang! Looks like we’re not going home any time soon. And even if it were, suspect it’d be temporary!

    • That's the thing that gets me: they had mods working for free, people contributing content for free.. they rammed ads down people's throats to the tune of about $500 million in the past year and he goes after 3rd party app devs, some of whom were students (who also made their apps for free). I get it, people like to make money but JFC!

      • I understand that if something is free, you're the product. Of course, you're still the product when you're paying for content. But in general, I get the idea. But why the fuck would you piss where you eat? Your content is created by and large from people. Whether it's original content or news articles, or whatever.

        • Users are both the product, but they are still also the consumer. It is an unstated contract that Reddit are breaking. As users we provide content that Reddit can use, and they return a part of the money they make from it to us in the form of the service they provide. Done right both sides benefit, but I think Reddit right now want to keep all the benefits they get from the content without returning a reasonable amount in the term of service provision.

    • Not only is he getting evicted, but he's getting fucking sued! Like my guy, why are you praising a man for cuts when he's getting evicted and SUED!