So this might be a stupid question considering how tied to Nvidia it seems to be, but... will run on the new AMD 90-series cards that can actually do ray-tracing?
Sure it will. It will probably run like a 2080 TI or 3070 though. The ray tracing performance of AMD isn't stellar. At least they got their shit together and got a AI rescaler that competes with DLSS.
So I've been reading up on it a little bit and it seems like raytracing is part of Vulkan and DirectX 12, so the APIs shouldn't be proprietary the way CUDA and PhysX are...right?
In theory, yea it should. But this is developed by Nvidia with their own graphics cards in mind. If this is similar to Portal RTX, then RDNA3 cards will be able to run it, just with severly crippled performance.
Yea but isn't AMDs ray tracing performance severely crippled in general? I thought if you want to use ray tracing your far better of buying from team green.
I was under the impression that RDNA3 was still pretty bad at raytracing in general. What I'm really wondering though, having just bought a 9070 XT, is what about RDNA4?
I don't think it's obsolete by any means - it is driving an ultrawide monitor and the RAM upgrade might be nice longer term, this gen is slightly more reasonably priced for AMD, Nvidia driver upgrades are painful on linux, so I wanted to know if there's a significant uplift/how well does it handle RT in comparison to justify a switch for me.
Well, all I know is that it's a significant uplift over a Vega. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be faster than a 3070, but I'm not sure if it's enough faster to be worth it. I guess if it's on the bubble, AMD playing nicer with Linux might push it over the edge. You should read/watch reviews or something; you'll be able to get much better advice from e.g. Gamer's Nexus than from me.
One thing I will say is that, in my experience, standing in line at Microcenter on launch day is the only way to have a decent chance at getting a video card at MSRP these days. Since you missed that for the 9070 XT, maybe wait until whatever AMD makes next (9070 XTX? 9060? 9080??) comes out and try to get one of those on launch day.
You should definitely not be desperate enough to pay higher-than-MSRP prices just to get more RAM and easier to deal with drivers.
You make a good point, I'll watch reviews and that sometimes it's nice to get an.average user opinion too! I'm probably at least 6 months away from buying anything unless I see a complete bargain. Not being sure I should get it should probably be an indicator I'm okay for now! Thanks.