This release adds an opt-in GrapheneOS network location client providing location detection based on nearby Wi-Fi networks using a local trilateration algorithm run on the device. It fetches a list of nearby Wi-Fi networks from Apple's location service either directly or through a GrapheneOS proxy.
@[email protected] Did you enable the network location toggle? It should work very well with no satellite reception now if you have a lot of nearby Wi-Fi networks which are mapped well by Apple.
@[email protected] are we talking about some sort of navigation or maps app potentially in the future from the team? Cause I feel like it's needed now more than ever.
@[email protected]ge We don't currently have any plans to make a maps/navigation app. We'll have our hands full replacing or overhauling all of the basic AOSP apps.
It currently only has a very basic approach to altitude estimation which we'll be properly integrating into the trilateration algorithm in the near future.
It currently only uses Wi-Fi networks but we'll be extending it with support for using cell towers as a fallback in the near future.
We're in the process of building our own network location database based on scraping all of the cell tower and Wi-Fi data from Apple's service. Scraping all the cell tower data is quick and will be easy to keep rapidly updated. A contributor scraped more than 2 billion Wi-Fi APs over 3 months.
@[email protected] just wondering how this might work? Will this be an internal Android function or via a third party open source app like NeoStumbler?
This data isn't copyrightable and Apple freely offers it without requiring authentication. It will be the initial basis for our database, but we'll add other sources including an option to send us data from GrapheneOS devices. We'll provide database downloads to support offline network location.
@[email protected] Apple gathered the data from scraping data from Wi-Fi APs and cell towers and they scrape a lot of the web to train search, AIs, etc. so they'd have a lot of trouble arguing we're doing anything wrong using open access public data provided by them with no authentication. It's unlikely they'll care. We do plan to move towards having people submit data in the future but it's not a short term viable approach especially with a privacy focused userbase who aren't going to want to send data.
@[email protected] All of that is amazing! Great work, I'm exited to see it in action!
I assume for it to work either WiFi of WiFi scanning needs to be enabled though, right?
@[email protected] Yes, either Wi-Fi needs to be enabled or Wi-Fi scanning needs to be enabled to allow doing Wi-Fi scans regardless of the Wi-Fi state. There's a new network location option added in the menu for it. We're going to be adding cell tower support too as a fallback approach it can use if there aren't enough nearby Wi-Fi networks. We've also already essentially fully scraped Apple's cell tower data and it will be much easier to provide that for a fully offline mode than the Wi-Fi AP data.
@[email protected] If they provide database downloads in an adequate format usable for our service, we can import it with the Apple data. We're free to use multiple sources of data for our service. We can scrape nearly the entirety of Apple's data and then keep it updated regularly via continuous scraping of the same areas which will avoid much need for anything else though.
@[email protected] Yes. We used Mozilla's cell tower database as an initial seed to scrape essentially all of Apple's cell tower data. We'll be scraping all of their Wi-Fi AP data from around the world too. We can also add other sources of data but we don't really need it beyond having a path forward if Apple ever goes through a multiple year process to phase out having a publicly available network location service. It would be hard for them to do that since their existing devices depend on it.