Is it any more secure than other big cloud providers though?
As in if the police came busting down the door with a warrant, would they be able to destroy any data in before and make it unrecoverable? Or would they go as far as to have the data be accessible to law enforcement?
Privacy laws are poor in Europe in general. Companies are required to facilitate the access of data for governments. The only way to prevent this is to encrypt all data before upload and use a VPN for all access to the cloud to avoid a potential raid at your home. Users will be quick to argue "well if you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to fear!" I have never found that a compelling argument.
They do have the option to not keep logs. They can also encrypt any data so that it essentially becomes impossible to decrypt for a very long amount of time, well past a human lifespan.
They won't violate the law if they don't have anything usable to hand over. That is how good VPN providers operate.