I'm not currently working on anything projects or anything. I'm slowly getting back in to the OffSec training grind. I took a "short break" while working on my OSED over a year ago and am just now hopping back into it. I've already got my OSCP/OSEP/OSWE, so really gunning for this OSED for the OSCE^3. It has been extremely difficult to get back into a routine of doing training every day.
My coworker was having difficulty starting and is trying to commit to finding at least one hour a day during the week, and that's been pretty successful for them. My issue is that I get completely consumed by it. Like ignore my family, ignore food, ignore everything, get off work at 5pm and rip offsec until 1am, rinse, repeat, and I'm like enjoying life and other hobbies and stuff right now lol.
Is there any specific offsec course/cert you're trying to get going on? I'm super privileged in that my employer pays for the Learn Unlimited, so it's easier to slack off on the training. When I was self-paying for individual courses it was much easier for me to hold myself accountable because I only had 90 days of lab access, and it was my money on the line.