The main reason global markets aren't absorbing the demand is sanction on chinese produced goods. But anyhow it will be interesting to see how the renewable energy boom picks up steam. Jupiter 1 hydrogen gas generator engine is a pretty huge milestone.
If domestic producers want domestic buyers, they should lower their prices to be competitive and take less profit as a result. But they won't do that if they can have the government step in to artificially raise the prices of competitors' products.
If they can't do this while paying employees respectable wages, then it shouldn't be up to the government to step in and bail them out.
We're literally letting the government force us to have worse deals so people richer than us can be even richer at our expense.
at 15kg per kw, this is 300x less efficient than a fuel cell for just electricity output. Distributed fuel cells can use waste heat for domestic hot water needs.
A better use of combusting H2 for electrical power generation, is changing the input valves on electrical generating NG turbines. That is just 2x less efficient than a fuel cell.