asking lemmy to 'Draw a duck and share your art'
asking lemmy to 'Draw a duck and share your art'

self-explenatory 🦆
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I'm a duck btw
151 1 Replyconsider the following
61 1 Replyoooo it's a GentooianArchOff! I'll get the foil.
2 0 Reply
sudo pacman -S quack
18 0 ReplyI think your misread what to share.
7 0 Replysudo quack
9 0 ReplyUser is not... oh wait, user is in the sudoers file.
Very well, please go ahead then.
10 0 ReplyI suspect fowl play!
9 0 Reply
I'm pretty sure if the Federation had this as their comm badge, Riker would have never got none.
6 0 Reply
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