Sorry, I inferred from your comment that you're saying that it's not worth trying to pursue ranked choice voting because Hitler was elected I'm a similar system. I thought this was idiotic, since all forms of government have led to horrible acts of violence in one country or another, so I asked what government you would support under that condition. If I misconstrued your point, then illuminate me. What does your comment mean?
I thought this was idiotic, since all forms of government have led to horrible acts of violence in one country or another
And yet your solution is to tweak voting slightly.
The issue isn't what form the government takes, it's who the ruling class is. No matter what reforms you apply to the system it's just going to be the same people producing the same outcomes because of the same built in interests.
If the problem you want to solve is fixing the US government so that it obeys the will of the people then no, you're never going to get a workable solution from anyone.