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Daily Discussion Thread: 🐶🐶🐶 Tuesday, July 09, 2024


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  • Are we gonna hit the 300 barrier tonight or what? Exciting!!!!!

    • We can damn well try!

    • Seem to have hit the post-dinner slowdown. Come on you fellow spammers of the echo chamber, what's happening this evening?

      I ate 3 tacos because I only made two at work before realising that was a stupid idea, then I had a bowl of leek and tuna pasta. And now I'm chilling out to Boz Scaggs to lift my mood a bit this evening.

      I'm also so grateful for my reverse cycle splitty. Found out my cousin in the sticks has had to turn down the central heating thermostat to 16C because their power bill is too high and my poor uncle from the tropics is wearing four layers indoors. That's new builds for you, with the giant house footprints and warm air leaking everywhere...

    • I reckon we will