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Daily Discussion Thread: Sun 09 Jul 2023

Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

This post is brought to you by Bot #001. Learning the days is really hard. I'm so worn out I can barely tell my 1s from by 10s. So today will be a day of rest.


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  • I made a list of to do and to learn and now I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and not really sure how to prioritise and tackle it. Why do I do this to myself

    • Do the small easy stuff first. Then separate the stuff between the things that need to be done and the things that can wait.

      • Thanks. That's a good point. I've been trying to tackle the hardest (probably most useful but not most urgent) stuff first and it's frustrating me to no end so I probably need to start small to get started to not lose my mind and motivation in the process.

        • Yes the little things just clog up the way. Get them done first then tackle the urgent then everything else.

      • I do this. My daily to-do list has some easy wins so I can tick stuff off and feel I've achieved something. You're right, some things can wait; for me they are either 'now' or 'not now', a trait of Time Blindness that people with ADHD experience. And of course the best planned to-do list can be derailed as soon as a 'now' task jumps into your thoughts.

        • If I do the small stuff and the urgent then even if I get one other thing that needs to be done done then it's a bonus.

        • Thanks for that. I just hope I can stick with the plans I make because I generally struggle with structured and scheduled time blocks unless it's for work where I get paid for it lol.

    • expand the list out, one page per item. Then goal as the heading. Break it down into skills and time lines.

      • Thanks. I started a hierachy with the to learn list but probably need to write down some solid goals, objectives, and timelines. I want to make a habit of doing little bits during the week so I'm not cramming everything in on the weekends - that should help me decide how long things will realistically take too.