Internet Ray Tracing Competition (IRTC, 1996-2006)
This was a monthly/quarterly competition for computer generated images and animations that ran from 1996 to 2006.
The image selected for the post can be found here: https://www.irtc.org/stills/2006-04-30.html
Converting an old VRML scene to POV-Ray to relearn
Playing around, relearning the POV-Ray scene language. Side hobbies are fun. :) (why is the sun casting a shadow? Probably should change that to a cloud..)
source code: https://github.com/kennebel/JCastle
Nuclear Containment - POV-Ray by Michael Scharrer
Source: https://mscharrer.net/povray/nuclear_containment/4/
Surreal Dream, created long ago
Using several classic POV-Ray elements, originally made about 20-ish years ago.
edit: title
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