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  • [IdentitySelf] It takes courage to heal from the things you wouldn't speak about in public settings (aka who are you?)

    It takes courage to heal in general. To grow out of your toxic habits. To not bash yourself over for where you aren't finished developing into the version of yourself, that you want to be one day. It takes courage to not blame yourself, for your errors and mistakes and eery deeds, your wrongdoings -- whilst not anestethizing yourself with selfpitty at the same time either.

    It takes courage to remove yourself from external opinions and take inventory of your mind and notice adopted opinions on/over yourself.

    It takes courage to let go of others voices and hasty and often ignorant conclusions about you. And take space to do an honest self-evaluation.

    It takes real courage to not just give in and to decide to grow out of the chaotic aftermath that your past toxic environments left in you.

    But to look at the consequences your actions caused around you. It takes even more courage to still continue staying and make things the right way now. And it takes the greatest courage to not bind your sense of value and identity to your past flaws and errors, your past behavior, to see that you are much more than just that what once happened ❤️

  • The Perils of Perfectionism

  • [Resource] [PurposeGoals] How to set yourself up for success How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)

    Design your life with this journaling exercise ➔ /// R E S O U R C E S /// B O O K S Get my book on success habits "MASTER THE DAY" ➔ Get my book on Audible here: MY AUDIOBOOK ➔ __ /// F O L L...

    How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)
  • [ProgressSharing] [PhysicalSelfcare] I signed up for a gym membership in my local gym and I'm proud

    I can cancel the subscription monthly, which is a big plus for me, as I'm not so wealthy at this stage of my life.

    Might be not much in the short-term, but it's a step forward.

  • [META] How this community works


    This community is about learning how to live and/or improving and making the best out of ones own life in all areas and facets. It caters to all those who are in need for a better life.

    It's main goal is on constructive development and/or exploring and creating solutions to problems we are facing, wether that be emotional and/or physical. In this context, problems are things and conditions where we don't feel in alignment with who we feel our true authentic self is.

    There's many reasons to why one may have been prohibited from growing up and gaining (or keeping) stewardship to their own life. (Examples, 1 2 3 ) However, it doesn't matter at what point someone is in life. If they feel it is worth to pick up again the growth process where it was abandoned by whomever, it's feasible to meet reality as it is today and improve our life.

    We can only give where we have something to give. When we invest our energy and time into improving our skills, fortitude and stamina to living, we will know how to improve others life naturally. If someone wants to help improve their friends, partners, kids, work-colleagues life, wondering "What can I do to help them?" – then this is the place to start.

    What we focus on grows. Of course, problems have to be acknowledged to improve them. If we keep our focus on the things that are encouraging, it helps us to approach with drive the areas that are not okay in our life.

    Keep in mind, growth takes time and should not be rushed. It takes patience and the courage to trust, whilst also effort and consistent discipline. This is the hardest part.

    Just as we don't dig out seeds after planting them to see if they progressed already, we benefit from doing the same with ourselves and life. We give it time, water it regularly and make sure to keep its soil healthy, so that it can grow into a beautiful plant 🪴



    For rules see the sidebar of this community.


    If you think anything is missing or to be changed here, please reach out to the moderators, or comment on this post.

2 Active users