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๐ŸŒฟ kratom

  • /r/kratom has been abandoned but what replaced it?

    According to subredditstats /r/kratom, /r/kratom was killed by the reddit API changes like many other subs.

    Posts per day July 2021 - Sept 23: !

    Comments per day July 2021 - Sept 23: !

    Where did everybody go?

  • Do you stock up on Kratom? Do you stock up on Kratom? -

    How much Kratom do you usually have? Since Kratom is relatively cheap and its regulatory future is uncertain, Iโ€™m trying to stock up. Currently, Iโ€™m sitting at 4 Kg, but would like to increase that to ~10 Kg. Such stock would last me a couple of years. I can keep consuming the oldest packages while ...

    > > > How much Kratom do you usually have? > > > > Since Kratom is relatively cheap and its regulatory future is uncertain, Iโ€™m trying to stock up. Currently, Iโ€™m sitting at 4 Kg, but would like to increase that to \~10 Kg. > > > > Such stock would last me a couple of years. I can keep consuming the oldest packages while replenishing the stock. > > > > Buying in bulk, Iโ€™m trying to find both good price and quality, but thatโ€™s not easy โ€ฆ > >


    thread on[email protected]/t/371544/Do-you-stock-up-on-Kratom#comments

  • (

  • Kratom Could Reduce Alcohol Consumption, Say Scientists

    The alkaloid speciogynine may be a starting point for low-risk treatment

    Self-reports of kratom use as an alcohol substitute exist online, though they have not been as well documented in the scientific literature as other motivations for kratom use, such as substitution for opiates (Smith et al, 2023). In one survey of US residents, 18% of current users and 11.5% of past users reported they used kratom โ€œTo cut down or quit using alcoholโ€ (Coe et al, 2019).

    This motivation has also been documented among Southeast Asian users who are more likely to engage in the centuries-old traditional practice of chewing fresh kratom leaf or preparing it as a tea (vs. eating dried powder and using extracts, more common in the West). A qualitative study of 34 Thai kratom users found:

    > Almost all regular krathom users did not drink alcohol although some used to drink it before being krathom chewers. Krathom was believed to be an aid to those who wanted to stop drinking. An ex-drinker explained: > > โ€œAfter I use krathom, I canโ€™t stand the alcohol strong smell. If I drink even a bit, I would have an extreme headache and vomit, get sick and have a hangover. I cannot work and have to take a rest.โ€

    The study also explained that kratom use in this region of Thailand was more socially acceptable than the use of alcohol, tobacco, or cannabis, in part because of better social functioning of people who use kratom over other drugs (Saingham et al, 2013). This implies a social motivation for someone to choose kratom over alcohol.

  • Kratom Company and Owner Plead Guilty to Illegal Importation and Money Laundering

    SAN DIEGO โ€“ Nine2Five LLC and its owner, Sebastian Guthery, pleaded guilty in federal court today to felony crimes related to the illegal importation of kratom, an opioid-like plant, and the subsequent laundering of proceeds from the sale of the illegally imported product.

    Kratom Company and Owner Plead Guilty to Illegal Importation and Money Laundering

    Found via: California Kratom Crook busted! Scam Ripoff Money Laundering ๐Ÿ˜ฎ - Double M Herbals

    > > > Press Release > > > > Kratom Company and Owner Plead Guilty to Illegal Importation and Money Laundering > ========== > > > > Monday, July 10, 2023 > > > > For Immediate Release > > > > U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of California > > > > [email protected] > > > > NEWS RELEASE SUMMARY โ€“ July 10, 2023 > > > > SAN DIEGO โ€“ Nine2Five LLC and its owner, Sebastian Guthery, pleaded guilty in federal court today to felony crimes related to the illegal importation of kratom, an opioid-like plant, and the subsequent laundering of proceeds from the sale of the illegally imported product. > > > > Mitragyna speciosa, commonly known as kratom, is indigenous to Southeast Asia. Its leaves, when ingested, have both narcotic and stimulant-like effects. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the use of kratom is associated with serious health risks, including but not limited to seizures, liver damage, addiction, and death. Side effects may also include respiratory depression, nervousness, agitation, aggression, sleeplessness, hallucinations, delusion, tremors, loss of libido, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and severe withdrawal signs and symptoms. > > > > ย On February 28, 2014, the FDA issued Import Alert 54-15, which directed inspectors to detain products that appeared to contain kratom as well as named product from specified firms without inspection, and to deny them entry into the United States. The Import Alert stated that the FDA had determined kratom to be a new dietary ingredient under section 413(d) of the Act, and deemed products intended for human consumption containing kratom to be adulterated food under section 402(f)(1)(B) of the Act because there was inadequate information to provide reasonable assurance that the new dietary ingredient kratom did not present a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury. This Import Alert remains in effect. > > > > In pleading guilty, defendant Guthery admitted that, as the owner and operator of Nine2Five LLC, he caused the importation of 9,800 kg of kratom from Indonesia through a consignee named Middleton Central, LLC, by means of an invoice which falsely declared the product to be Flora Food Botanical Soil Conditioner (Eucheuma spinosum)/fertilizer, without reasonable cause to believe that was true. The invoice submitted on May 16, 2018, with the entry package, stated that the value of the goods was $61,728. > > > > Defendant Nine2Five, LLC, in pleading guilty to money laundering, admitted that a Nine2Five, LLC. employee wired $60,000 from an account of Nine2Five, LLC at Wells Fargo Bank in San Diego, California, to Bank Mandiri in Indonesia for the cost of the purchase, transportation and importation of kratom from Indonesia on May 15, 2018. The funds constituted criminally derived proceeds of the illegal importation of kratom in the manner acknowledged by Guthery in his plea, which constituted a violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 542 and 545. > > > > โ€œMaking false declarations about the nature of products imported into the United States will not be tolerated,โ€ said U.S. Attorney Randy Grossman. โ€œThe Department of Justice and our agency partners are committed to protecting our nation from importation crimes and related offenses.โ€ Grossman thanked the prosecution team plus the Internal Revenue Service, Homeland Security Investigations, and Customs and Border Protection agents for their excellent work on this case. > > > > โ€œHSI San Diego is deeply immersed in the global fight against illegal importation and money laundering,โ€ said Chad Plantz, special agent in charge for HSI San Diego. โ€œAttempting to smuggle even more harmful substances into our communities will not be tolerated. Further, deceiving law enforcement is illegal and by doing so only increases the severity of penalties. HSI is actively engaged with law enforcement partners and task forces to bring perpetrators who knowingly and willingly break the law to justice.โ€ > > > > โ€œSebastian Guthery and Nine2Five LLC went unchecked by mislabeling imports of kratom to evade detection and inspection by U.S. authorities and laundering the criminally derived proceeds internationally to purchase more kratom. The import laws and regulations are in place to protect our citizens and our nation,โ€ said Tyler Hatcher, Special Agent in Charge of IRS Criminal Investigation Los Angeles Field Office. โ€œThis should put the kratom industry on notice, illegally importing products into the United States for your own financial gain is a crime and disregarding U.S. import laws and import alerts will not go unnoticed, you will be held accountable.โ€ > > > > Sentencing for both defendants is scheduled to take place on October 6, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. before U.S. District Judge Todd W. Robinson. > > > > DEFENDANTS Case Number 23cr179-TWR > > > > * Nine2Five, LLC Formed: 2012 Carlsbad, CA > > > * Sebastian Guthery Age: 40 Carlsbad, CA > > > > > > SUMMARY OF CHARGES > > > > * Defendant Sebastian Guthery > > > * Entry of Goods by Means of False Statement โ€“ Title 18, U.S.C., Section 542 > > > * Maximum Penalty: Two years in prison and/or $250,000 fine > > > * Defendant Nine2Five LLC > > > * Money Laundering โ€“ Title 18, U.S.C., Section 1957 > > > * Maximum penalty: Five years of probation and $500,000 fine for an organization > > > > > > AGENCIES > > > > * Internal Revenue Service > > > * Homeland Security Investigations > > > * Customs and Border Protection > > > > > > Contact > > > > Assistant U. S. Attorneys Melanie K. Pierson (619) 546-7976 and Joseph Orabona (619) 546-7951| > > > > Updated July 10, 2023 > > > --- > > > Component > > > > USAO - California, Southern > > > > Press Release Number: CAS23-0710-Guthery > >

  • Are Kratom Lab Reports reliable !

    This has been bugging me for a long time. Every time if I am lucky enough to see a lab result from a reputed trusted vendor I am astonished...

    Are Kratom Lab Reports reliable !
  • RSS feeds for kratom communities

    Following up on previous post Other kratom communities, here are links to RSS feeds to those communities where I was able to find them. For those who are interested. :)

    On lemmy you can add some arguments to the end of the URL if you want, for example, but I haven't explored this much.

    Outside the fediverse:

    If I missed any, or if you have a better version of the above feeds, please share!

  • Kratom products continue to draw criticism from health experts

    I am so sorry for this family and the loss of their child.

    Grieving people are not policy experts though. I don't know the details of the death report for this case but there are all kinds of issues with them in the US.

    The lawyers actually say they agree with many kratom users on some issues: that there should be regulation, safety warnings and limit to extravagant claims of benefit. However they then go on to conflate plant product with extracts.

    This video contains multiple unsourced "quotes" (like literally displayed on screen text with quotes around them) making strong factual claims. Then a strawman attributed to "critics" is used to seem balanced.

    x-posting link from [email protected] for the comments

  • Kratom | National Institute on Drug Abuse

    โ€œKratomโ€ commonly refers to an herbal substance that can produce opioid- and stimulant-like effects. Kratom and kratom-based products are currently legal and accessible in many areas, though U.S. and international agencies continue to review emerging evidence to inform kratom policy. NIDA supports r...

    Kratom | National Institute on Drug Abuse
  • Wikipedia: Mitragyna speciosa

    Mitragyna speciosa (commonly known as kratom, a herbal leaf from a tree of the Rubiaceae family) is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family native to Southeast Asia. It is indigenous to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea, where it has been used in herbal medicine since at least the 19th century. It has also historically been used for chewing, smoking, and tea. Kratom has opioid properties and some stimulant-like effects.As of 2018, the efficacy and safety of kratom are unclear. Although it was a federally legal dietary supplement, it was not approved as a therapeutic agent in the United States due to the poor quality of the research. In 2019, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that there is no evidence that kratom is safe or effective for treating any condition. Some people take it for managing chronic pain, for treating opioid withdrawal symptoms, or for recreational...

  • Proposal: Purpose, Rules & Guidelines for @[email protected]

    Purpose, Rules & Guidelines for @kratom ==========

    Hello and welcome to a new community on which is all about kratom!

    This is intended to be a living document so please post comments.

    Purpose of this community ----------

    The purpose of @kratom is to provide a welcoming and level-headed place to discuss kratom (Mitragyna speciosa).

    Some examples of the kinds of things that would be on topic here:

    • Community and peer support between kratom users
    • News related to kratom
    • Scientific research regarding kratom
    • Safe and effective use of kratom
    • Problems related to kratom use
    • History of kratom
    • Future of kratom
    • Legal statuses of kratom
    • How to use kratom
    • Kratom production at industrial/commercial scale
    • Trade news
    • Kratom gardening
    • Organizations which have positions on kratom
    • Kratom use around the world
    • Ethnobotany of kratom
    • Chemistry of kratom
    • Other forums where kratom is discussed
    • Community creation of resources
    • Media coverage of kratom
    • Upcoming events, online or in real life
    • Attitudes of health care workers towards kratom
    • Traveling with kratom
    • Stopping use of kratom

    This community has a bias

    This is intended to be a broadly "pro kratom" community. Since nothing is perfect, not even kratom, it is also OK to discuss problems.

    However it is not necessarily an "advocacy" community. Community standards are not primarily set on the basis of how they will make kratom "look" to outsiders.

    Rules ----------

    Rule #1: Do not spread misinformation

    Do not spread misinformation. Post in good-faith. Speak honestly but do not incite fear or panic, particularly when speaking of safety or legality.

    If you believe a participant is intentionally spreading misinformation, please report it.

    Rule #2: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

    Self-reports that make extreme claims of catastrophic harm or beneficial results beyond what is identified in scientific research literature may be removed and held for review.

    The moderators may request additional information from participants before approving these items.

    Rule #3: Non commercial only

    The purpose of this rule is not to avoid "illegal activity". I am simply not interested in running a marketplace.

    This rule extends beyond kratom or its derivatives. It includes sales of books, t shirts, patreons, classes, professional services or anything else.

    Lots of communities on topics which are totally not stigmatized, legal the world round and uncontroversial have similar rules. It could be laptops or puppies or knitting. The intention is similar here.

    No transacting

    This community is intended to be non-commercial and non-transactional.

    Examples of commercial or transactional activity:

    • vendor ads, linking to vendors
    • posts which heavily imply someone is a vendor in order to get people to PM you
    • requests for vendor information, referrals, experiences
    • vendor reviews
    • posts selling your personal kratom
    • discount codes, promotions, sales
    • advertisements for businesses or anything for sale
    • affiliate links or codes
    • give-aways, vendor or otherwise
    • links to products for sale
    • photos of packaging
    • swaps

    If the likely, immediate result of a post or comment is someone making money or otherwise gaining materially, then it is prohibited.

    Obviously, obtaining kratom is important to a lot of us, myself included. I am not opposed to linking to other reputable communities where transactions are approved.

    No sourcing

    To be extremely clear: No sourcing.

    Includes plants and seeds. No vendor participation. No discussion of vendors/brands. This rule also applies to recommending American Kratom Association (AKA) approved vendors. No requesting/offering vendor recommendations - directly or via PM. PMs are your own private business but mentioning them on the community makes them public community business. Violations may result in a ban from the community.

    Do not discuss payments

    Discussing payments for goods in any capacity is strictly forbidden. This includes CC processors, online processors and apps (PayPal, Amazon Pay, CirclePay, Venmo, Square, Zelle etc.), and services like Coinbase. Legality notwithstanding, kratom is against their terms of service and they have been aggressively enforcing this. Consequently, vendors have difficulty maintaining payment processors.

    Rule #4: No bigotry

    This community is intended to be welcoming to a diverse range of people.

    Shit talking will be especially frowned upon when it has its basis in:

    • diagnosis, illness, health issues
    • body size, personal appearance
    • other substances, drugs, or medication used
    • visible or invisible disability
    • gender identity and expression, sexual identity and orientation
    • education, socio-economic status
    • nationality, immigration status
    • race, caste, color, ethnicity
    • level of experience
    • incarceration
    • religion
    • age

    Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

    • The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind
    • Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
    • Public or private harassment
    • Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission
    • Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

    Guidelines ----------

    A guideline is more flexible than a rule.

    Be nice

    Treat each other with respect. Do not be hostile or rude. Do not call people names. Insults will not be tolerated and may result in a ban from the community.

    Everyone has their own individual experience. Share your own and do not judge that of others. Do not generalize your experiences to suggest that what happened to you will happen to everyone.

    Avoid stigmatizing substances

    It doesn't help kratom or kratom users to knock down people who use, or have used other substances.

    People use illicit substances, prescription medications, research chemicals and other chemical tools for all kinds of reasons. They might want to start or stop using these at different times in their lives.

    It is not "more legitimate" to use kratom for one reason than for another.

    Debates about chemistry, effects, are fine. Sharing your history and what led you to be the person you are today is fine.

    Not everyone shares your context

    When talking about laws, attitudes, conventions etc, don't assume everyone is in a similar place to you. If you are requesting or sharing information that is highly context-specific, you will need to mention that.

    We are learning and growing together

    Everyone in the community should give each other the benefit of the doubt that they are acting in good faith.

    Kratom brings together people from all around the world. We all have our own histories and baggage.

    Nuts and bolts of @kratom ----------

    Where @kratom lives

    This community lives on the "fediverse". It is a network of websites looking to replace monopolistic social media with a more dispersed model. It is a pretty new way of doing things, so expect changes in how it works. We are making the road by walking it.

    It is possible to view and interact with the community from a variety of different "instances" or websites.

    This community was established on The most accurate and complete view of it is to visit through this URL:

    Who moderates?

    This community was created by @noban who is currently the sole moderator.

    If you are viewing the community in the "fediverse" (from a website other than it may list another person as the moderator. Usually whoever runs the website. That person likely has no actual interest or involvement here.

    Moderation guidelines

    Mods are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.

    Mods have the right and responsibility to remove, restrict comments, posts and other contributions that are not aligned with the community purpose, rules and guidelines, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate.

    Moderator responsibilities:

    • Abide by all of the above rules as would be expected of anyone else
    • Solicit feedback
    • Integrate feedback into moderation practices
    • Explain decisions when required or requested
    • Enforce rules evenhandedly
    • Admit to mistakes

    That being said, one forum isn't going to be all things to all people. As the community evolves we might find that there are fundamental differences of opinions and goals. Cross that bridge if we get to it.

    Moderation log

    The kbin software that runs the forum records all mod actions. There are publicly available in the Moderation log

    Last Revised ----------

    • July 23, 2023

    Inspiration and sources ----------

    To create this, I borrowed from existing work done by others:

  • kratom is a plant

    a picture of kratom leave and flowers

  • photo of kratom plant

  • this community is under construction

    Hello to anyone who has stumbled in here. I am working on setting this place up. Check back soon.

  • Other kratom communities

    Here are some other places where kratom is discussed. They are not specifically endorsed by this community. Just for informational purposes.

    communities in the fediverse

    Due to inconsistencies in how links to communities are handled, I have included each link in different formats. If one doesn't work try the next one on the same line. The best way to see all content in a community is to view it on the original instance (last link).

    Kratom communities outside the fediverse:

1 Active user