Against the Black Priory: GROGNARDIA
grognardia.blogspot.com Against the Black PrioryBack at the start of April, I wrote about my inability to replay the old AD&D computer game, Pool of Radiance . The difficulty lay primaril...
Back at the start of April, I wrote about my inability to replay the old AD&D computer game, Pool of Radiance. The difficulty lay primarily in its user interface, which was clunky and difficult to use on a contemporary computer. Likewise, the graphics, which looked fine on the screen in the late 198
Revised Kagandi Species: Brandes Stoddard
My Aurikesh campaign has its own player species – I wrote new mechanics for humans and goblins, and wrote several new species. Only the githyanki PC uses D&D’s official mechanics. One of these new species is kagandi, who are lightly reptilian humanoids. In the narrative they’re as common and “defaul
Morrus Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk #304: EN World: Tabletop RPG News & Reviews
Morrus and Jessica talk with Rob Heinsoo about 13th Age 2nd Edition
Chagrinspire Side View &: Elfmaids & Octopi
elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com Chagrinspire Side View &Chagrinspire cutaway was different to my sketches The second chagrinspire volume is on my patreon up now - its a draft and bigger than I wan...
Chagrinspire cutaway was different to my sketchesThe second chagrinspire volume is on my patreon up now - its a draft and bigger than I wanted but I knew it wasn't going to be finished but it's bigger than I expected at 110 pages.Will update the book this week after some other commitments with some
Actual Test: Shadowdark adventure generator tables: Seed of Worlds
seedofworlds.blogspot.com Actual Test: Shadowdark adventure generator tablesI gave the the Shadowdark adventure generators a turn to create a session for my Friday night open game. Whenever folk ask about adventure g...
I gave the the Shadowdark adventure generators a turn to create a session for my Friday night open game. Whenever folk ask about adventure generators it is one that comes up alongside Worlds Without Number and Knave 2e. The Shadowdark one is quite terrain tied with a lot of it being in the 'quest' a
NBA Tools – Revised Agent Tracking Sheet: The Alexandrian
One of the most valuable tools for a Night’s Black Agents GM to have behind their screen is the Agent Tracking Sheet. As with similar sheets from other GUMSHOE games, this tracking sheet allows you to record the ratings for all of the PCs’ investigation abilities. USING THE SHEET In most RPGs, I g
Random Thoughts & Links for 6/28/2024: Dungeon Fantastic
dungeonfantastic.blogspot.com Random Thoughts & Links for 6/28/2024- The Iron Llama is painting Car Wars 3d printed minis. And painting them in horrifying interesting ways . - I don't think I'd be a goo...
- The Iron Llama is painting Car Wars 3d printed minis. And painting them in horrifying interesting ways. - I don't think I'd be a good GM for it, but rewatching The Wild Bunch recently made me really have an interest in running an "Old West" campaign set way, way too late to be the Old West. Like
Celebrate Pride With Rainbow Roll Fest This Weekend!: Rascal News
www.rascal.news Celebrate Pride With Rainbow Roll Fest This Weekend!Come celebrate Pride and watch some great trans and queer Actual Play!
This is a community submitted press release. Do you love trans and queer art, Actual Play, and raising money for great causes? Then have we got a webfest for you! Come celebrate Pride with us at Rainbow Roll Fest, an online webfest that exists to celebrate and honor innovation and achievements in th
2024 Player's Handbook reveal: "New Ranger": EN World: Tabletop RPG News & Reviews
"More than any other class, the ranger is a new class."
The Glatisant: Issue #52: The Glatisant: A Questing Beast Newsletter
questingbeast.substack.com The Glatisant: Issue #52Early Knave 2e reviews, Play-Doh wargaming, and the importance of legwork
New Questing Beast Releases!Knave 2e, Summer’s End, and the print edition of Maze Rats are all publicly available now, along with the Knave 2e poster and patch! Get the PDFs at DriveThruRPG, or physical copies at Swordfish Islands. I also have flip-through videos of Knave 2e and Summer’s End so you
Preorder Bonuses for the 2024 Player's Handbook and More!: D&D Beyond
www.dndbeyond.com Preorder Bonuses for the 2024 Player's Handbook and More!The 2024 Player's Handbook arrives September 17, but you can immediately unlock digital preorder bonuses for your D&D Beyond account today! Learn ab...
The 2024 Player's Handbook arrives September 17, but you can immediately unlock digital preorder bonuses for your D&D Beyond account today! Learn about these preorder bonuses and others here!
TTRPG Charity Auction: Rascal News
www.rascal.news TTRPG Charity AuctionJesthehuman is hosting a TTRPG charity auction with support from 19 creators to support Save the Children.
This is a community submitted press release.In response to the ongoing genocide in Palestine, Jesthehuman is hosting a TTRPG charity auction with support from 19 creators to support Save the Children’s “Children’s Emergency Fund.” Save the Children's team in the occupied Palestinian territory has be
I interviewed Halsin's voice actor, and I wish I had the courage to be unhinged: Rascal News
www.rascal.news I interviewed Halsin’s voice actor, and I wish I had the courage to be unhingedDave Jones is a nice man with a great voice and big dad energy.
Dave Jones is too nice to be in a virtual interview with me, largely because he makes me want to be nice. More upsetting is the fact that it works! Through sheer geniality, Jones’ good guy persona becomes infectious and goddammit, now I just want to make Mister Halsin’s Voice Actor proud of me. So f
Pantsless PRIDE Kicks Off 52-Hour Charity Event to Support Trans Lifeline: Rascal News
www.rascal.news Pantsless PRIDE Kicks Off 52-Hour Charity Event to Support Trans LifelineThe event is now live and already causing shenanigans.
This is a community submitted press release.Pantsless Tables, a TTRPG Actual Play studio based in India, dedicated to promoting Asian talent, is thrilled to announce the commencement of their highly anticipated 48 - um, now 52-hour charity event today. The event aims to raise funds for Trans Lifelin
Trilogy: Epic fantasy in worlds of your own making: Rascal News
www.rascal.news Trilogy: Epic fantasy in worlds of your own makingTrilogy is a Tabletop RPG offering exciting, character-driven, fantasy campaigns set in a world you create in play.
This is a community submitted press release. Built on the well-known Powered By The Apocalypse framework, Trilogy is a GM-led game that works best with 3-6 players, including the GM. Although it takes inspiration from other games in that family, it marks itself out as a game designed for telling a w
The 55: A Stylish Supplement for your Favorite Cyberpunk RPG: Rascal News
www.rascal.news The 55: A Stylish Supplement for your Favorite Cyberpunk RPGA slim colorful zine with 100's of character, locations, and narrative opportunities in a massive arcology full of wage theft and woe. Compatible with CY_BORG!
This is a community submitted press releaseA megablock of capsule apartments, ruined amenities, gangs, and mysteries. A city with The City. Some residents have never left. Some make things you cannot find anywhere else. Most are desperate. The corpos and cops call it Stack #95563. But everyone who l
Who's Taking Watch: New D&D Show Concludes Epic Wheel of Time Adventure: Rascal News
www.rascal.news Who’s Taking Watch: New D&D Show Concludes Epic Wheel of Time AdventureA new actual play group explores the world beyond the words of their favourite works of fiction.
This is a community submitted press release. Do you mourn more for the final pages of a book than any tragedy within? Do you find yourself wishing for just one more foray into the worlds that you’ve fallen in love with? Fear not, adventurer - we have the show for you! Who’s Taking Watch is a new Dun
2024 Ranger vs. 2014 Ranger: What's New: D&D Beyond
www.dndbeyond.com 2024 Ranger vs. 2014 Ranger: What’s NewThe revised Ranger from the 2024 Player's Handbook makes greater use of their trademark spell Hunter's Mark, get spellcasting earlier, and a lot more. G...
The revised Ranger from the 2024 Player's Handbook makes greater use of their trademark spell Hunter's Mark, get spellcasting earlier, and a lot more. Get a first look here!
Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: Astrophysicists Not Acronym Physicists: Pelgrane Press Ltd
pelgranepress.com Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: Astrophysicists Not Acronym PhysicistsIn the latest episode of their cotton candy podcast, Ken and Robin talk encouraging player independence, the discovery of the Nag Hammadi manuscripts, a fluff
In the latest episode of their cotton candy podcast, Ken and Robin talk encouraging player independence, the discovery of the Nag Hammadi manuscripts, a fluffy planet, and Florida nephilim.
The Liminal Horror of Changeling The Lost: Azukail Games
azukailgames.com The Liminal Horror of Changeling The Lost | Azukail GamesA video in which Neal Litherland looks into the liminal horror of Changeling the Lost.
In this video, Neal Litherland delves into the liminal horror of Changeling the Lost. The post The Liminal Horror of Changeling The Lost first appeared on Azukail Games.
Monster Mix: Putting wings on things that should stay on the ground: Kobold Press
koboldpress.com Monster Mix: Putting wings on things that should stay on the groundThe occasional mad wizard enjoys tinkering with creatures to make them something . . . new. Don't you want in on that? This article combines classic flying monsters (wyvern, roc) with classic monsters that don't (remorhaz, purple worm). It's Monster Mix!
Intelligent alien creatures such as aboleths, as well as the occasional mad wizard or capricious deity enjoy tinkering with creatures to make them more suited for their environments or just as a thought exercise. Then the PCs have to go out and fight things like owlbears or chimeras. Doesn’t it
Scavengers' Deep – Map 8: Dyson's Dodecahedron
dysonlogos.blog Scavengers’ Deep – Map 8Scavengers’ Deep – Map 8 (300 dpi promo) The Scavengers’ Deep is a reminder of the amount of work that went into underground structures during the great war. Generally, the elves only built u…
Scavengers’ Deep – Map 8 (300 dpi promo) The Scavengers’ Deep is a reminder of the amount of work that went into underground structures during the great war. Generally, the elves only built underground when hiding their breeding and research facilities, whereas the forces of the kingdoms, assisted
GM Mailbag: Keys to GM Improvement, GM Magazines, Never Say Fail: Roleplaying Tips
www.roleplayingtips.com GM Mailbag: Keys to GM Improvement, GM Magazines, Never Say Fail - Roleplaying TipsSome great GM tips today from our fellow GMs around the world. But before I share those, I wanted to remind Wizards of Adventure that our monthly GMing Q&A call happens in two days: this Saturday, 12pm Mountain. Get the call link and more details here. Let me, and your fellow smart GMs, help you […]
Wednesday Comics: DC, October 1983 (week 1): From the Sorcerer's Skull
My ongoing mission: read DC Comics' output from January 1980 (cover date) to Crisis! This week, I'm looking at the comics at newsstands on the week of July 7, 1983. There was a freebie this week, DC Sampler #1. It has no real story in it, just two-page ads for DC Comics and all comics that are alrea
Classes and Classifications I: Definitions: Homebrew and Hacking
homebrewandhacking.com Classes and Classifications I: DefinitionsPicking a character can be confusing. Here’s a little model I use to help me pick what I want to do in a game. Maybe it’ll help you? :)
Introduction So I was asked by @arms to write about the party roles and how each class would fit into them. As I am an enjoyer of Advanced Fifth Edition as opposed to other forms, I will be couching my discussion in such language, but I feel confident that you can work out who’s who very easily if y
The Social Contract of Planning: Gnome Stew
gnomestew.com The Social Contract of PlanningPlanning in RPGs is not a fun activity, so don’t do it. Planning in RPGs is necessary so that we don’t get our characters killed. Both of those statements are true. The optimal way planning should work in your game is somewhere in the middle of those two statements. The optimal way is a combination...
Planning in RPGs is not a fun activity, so don’t do it. Planning in RPGs is necessary so that we don’t get our characters killed. Both of those statements are true. The optimal way planning should work in your game is somewhere in the middle of those two statements. The optimal way is a combination
Magic Like This: From the Sorcerer's Skull
sorcerersskull.blogspot.com Magic Like ThisI'd like to see a traditional fantasy rpg with magic like this: Podmore picked up his fork and stood it on its end. Snaith stood, stepped o...
I'd like to see a traditional fantasy rpg with magic like this:Podmore picked up his fork and stood it on its end. Snaith stood, stepped over to the shelf behind Arthur’s head, and picked up a sharp knife. Moving by instinct, Arthur reached out and knocked over Snaith’s wine-glass. Snaith slipped o
REPOST: Have Space Suit – Will Travel: GROGNARDIA
grognardia.blogspot.com REPOST: Have Space Suit – Will Travel[This is a repost of something I wrote almost four years ago . Last night, I found myself thinking about space suits in science fiction RPGs...
[This is a repost of something I wrote almost four years ago. Last night, I found myself thinking about space suits in science fiction RPGs and decided to write a post about it. As usual, I soon realized I'd done it before. Rather than abandon the idea, I thought I'd repost this, since its initial a
I'm Going to Be Okay… Eventually: Owen K.C. Stephens
owenkcstephens.com I’m Going to Be Okay… EventuallyI try to be entirely honest in my online posts. While I don’t talk about every aspect of my life (there’s a reason y’all don’t get pictures of my meals unless I have flavore…
I try to be entirely honest in my online posts. While I don’t talk about every aspect of my life (there’s a reason y’all don’t get pictures of my meals unless I have flavored with Mtn Dew something that should not be flavored with Mtn Dew); I am often open about my mental health struggles, my ongo
PaizoCon Europe 2024 Dates Announced: EN World: Tabletop RPG News & Reviews
Paizo released information on in-person and online events
2024 Player's Handbook Reveal: "New Wizard": EN World: Tabletop RPG News & Reviews
"The paramount collector of spells."
Building In The Face Of Fate With Before The Flood: Rascal News
www.rascal.news Building In The Face Of Fate With Before The FloodHow much are you willing to invest in a world that is going to be destroyed?
This is a community submitted press release.Long ago, before our world, there was another.How much are you willing to invest in a world that is going to be destroyed? When you have already seen the end, been cursed with the prophets foresight, can you truly do your best to struggle against the force
Eyes of the Stone Thief: After The Orc Lord: Pelgrane Press Ltd
pelgranepress.com Eyes of the Stone Thief: After The Orc LordThe upcoming 2nd edition of 13th Age updates the rules, tweaks the classes, gives lots of useful Icon-related advice – and murders the poor Orc Lord. It’s u
The upcoming 2nd edition of 13th Age updates the rules, tweaks the classes, gives lots of useful Icon-related advice – and murders the poor Orc Lord. It’s up to you how the Orc Lord perished in your campaign. The Eyes of the Stone Thief campaign does make quite a few references to the Orc Lord, but
Recommend Your Favorite GMless Games: ars ludi
arsludi.lamemage.com Recommend Your Favorite GMless GamesPeople are always looking for suggestions of GMless games to try, so I decided it was time to harness the collective brainpower and make a list. But not just a plain list of names: actual descriptions and recommendations from people who have played the game, so curious folks can decide for themselve
EUphoria - A new community uplifting diverse voices in Europe and outside the U.S.: Rascal News
www.rascal.news EUphoria - A new community uplifting diverse voices in Europe and outside the U.S.Extending a global stage for diverse TTRPG creatives in Europe
This is a community submitted press release.EUphoria (can be alternatively pronounced as "EU", referring to the European Union or Europe* as a whole, and "phoria"), has announced its inauguration on 26 June as,Follow EUphoria on your social media platform of choice"A place dedicated to the best and
Bundle of Dyson!: Dyson's Dodecahedron
dysonlogos.blog Bundle of Dyson!There’s a new Bundle of Holding out with my work in it. Except instead of my previous contributions to the OSR Bundles, the whole bundle is all Dyson all the time. The complete bundle feature…
There’s a new Bundle of Holding out with my work in it. Except instead of my previous contributions to the OSR Bundles, the whole bundle is all Dyson all the time. The complete bundle features both of my classic Dyson’s Delves books, the three annual cartographic reviews, three annual commercial
Now Available: Condition Cards for Fantasy AGE and Cthulhu Awakens: Green Ronin Publishing
greenronin.com Now Available: Condition Cards for Fantasy AGE and Cthulhu AwakensWe added condition rules to Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition and Cthulhu Awakens to simplify the various strange and alarming things that can happen to Player Characters
We added condition rules to Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition and Cthulhu Awakens to simplify the various strange and alarming things that can happen to Player Characters, their friends, and their enemies. Slowed my magic? Confused by a psychic attack? Frightened by gore—or cosmic horror? These now have set
Itch.io Summer Sale 2024: Azukail Games
azukailgames.com Itch.io Summer Sale 2024 | Azukail GamesAll our paid supplements have 30% off in the itch.io summer sale.
The Summer Sale is now live on itch.io. All our paid supplements have 30% off individually, or the entire range can be bought for $59, reduced from $103.68. Click here to see them. The post Itch.io Summer Sale 2024 first appeared on Azukail Games.
2024 Wizard vs. 2014 Wizard: What's New: D&D Beyond
www.dndbeyond.com 2024 Wizard vs. 2014 Wizard: What’s NewThe new version of the Wizard in the 2024 Player's Handbook brings flexible spellcasting to a new level! Make better use of your spellbook, swap spells ...
The new version of the Wizard in the 2024 Player's Handbook brings flexible spellcasting to a new level! Make better use of your spellbook, swap spells more easily, and specialize in certain magic schools with revised subclasses!
Creative Adventures From Conventional Elements: Grumpy Wizard
grumpywizard.home.blog Creative Adventures From Conventional ElementsA game master can be creative with weirdness. You can create completely new monsters, magic items, and adventure situations. Another way to be creative is to take the things we already have and use…
A game master can be creative with weirdness. You can create completely new monsters, magic items, and adventure situations. Another way to be creative is to take the things we already have and use them in ways that subvert expectations while fitting within the constraints of the game rules and th