Analysts have compared US President Donald Trump's behavior in the international arena to that of a mafia boss. Įspėjimas Europai: JAV užsienio politika vairuojama mafijos vadeivų principais - Verslo žiniosJAV prezidento Donaldo Trumpo elgesį tarptautinėje erdvėje analitikai lygina su mafijos boso veikimo būdais. Anot jų, būtent todėl neverta stebėtis, kad D. Trumpui priimtinesnė autoritarinių lyderių laikysena nei demokratiškai išrinktų Europos lyderių. Tad Europai teks išmokti žaisti pasikeitusioje ...
German tank manufacturer Rheinmetall forecast on Wednesday that sales would grow by 25-30 percent in 2025. Last year, sales grew by 36 percent. Tankitootja prognoosib helget tulevikuSaksa tankitootja Rheinmetall prognoosis kolmapäeval, et 2025. aastal kasvab käive 25–30 protsenti. Läinud aastal kasvas müük 36 protsenti.
The European Court of Justice approves intervention in energy markets in the event of a crisis. La Justicia europea avala intervenir los mercados energéticos en caso de crisisEl Tribunal General de la UE rechaza el recurso de varias empresas españolas contra la excepción ibérica que la calificaban de discriminatoria y no proporcionada
- Can Europe's arms industry challenge US market dominance? – DW – 03/12/2025
Europe is re-imagining its entire security architecture and defense capacity amid concerns over both Russia and the US. With the bloc still buying huge amounts of US arms, can its own companies ever catch up?
- French Companies Eye Portugal for Subcontracting and Shared Services
What It Means for Key Industries.
- European countries chip in to strengthen semiconductor industry -
The Netherlands has joined the so-called Semicon Coalition of countries that want to strengthen Europe’s semiconductor industry. Launched on Wednesday, the agreement includes Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Austria, Poland, Spain and the Netherlands and is aimed at innovation and taking ch...
The data center market in Portugal is booming, with Lisbon consolidating its position as a strategic point for global connectivity, according to a study by Cushman & Wakefield. Lisbon becoming strategic data center hubThe data center market in Portugal is booming, with Lisbon consolidating its position as a strategic point for global connectivity, according to a study by Cushman & Wakefield.
Spain has rare earths: this is the map of where they are Espa�a tiene tierras raras: as� es el mapa de d�nde est�nEl Gobierno entr� ayer de lleno en la carrera internacional que se ha abierto en la miner�a por conseguir el nuevo oro del siglo XXI: las tierras raras y otros minerales poco...
- How exposed is Ireland to the US economy and Trump's plans? |
A significant proportion of employment, tax receipts and exports all directly dependent on a cluster of US multinational firms.
- Voxxed Days Bucharest 2025: “To stay competitive, Romania’s IT sector must sell innovation, not just billable hours”
Voxxed Days Bucharest 2025, an event dedicated to IT professionals and software developers, will take place on March 26-27, 2025, at Crowne Plaza Hotel Bucharest. This year, the conference reaches the next level by emphasizing the development of intrapreneurial skills among software developers -...
The Netherlands takes initiative for more EU cooperation in the field of chips Nine EU member states are setting up a partnership to strengthen the position of the European chip sector. Nederland neemt initiatief tot meer EU-samenwerking op chipgebiedNegen EU-lidstaten richten een samenwerkingsverband op om de positie van de Europese chipsector te versterken. Concrete investeringen en plannen zijn nog niet duidelijk.
Chinese company wants to buy insolvent air taxi company Volocopter Insolvency proceedings have been underway against the flying taxi manufacturer Volocopter for a few weeks. Chinesischer Konzern will insolvente Flugtaxifirma Volocopter kaufenGegen den Flugtaxihersteller Volocopter läuft seit wenigen Wochen ein Insolvenzverfahren. Nun hat sich offenbar ein Käufer für die Firma aus Bruchsal gefunden.
Goldman stokes fear on Wall Street: The 'Magnificent 7' are now the 'Evil 7' Goldman atiza el miedo en Wall Street: Los '7 Magn�ficos' son ahora los '7 Mal�ficos'Las ca�das sufridas en la Bolsa estadounidense desde el 19 de febrero se han concentrado en los valores que m�s hab�an subido en los meses precedentes. Es decir, los denominados...
Zara owner Inditex posts record profit of nearly €6bn Zara owner Inditex posts record profit of nearly €6bnSpanish ready-to-wear giant Inditex, owner of the Zara brand (as well as Stradivarius, Bershka, Pull&Bear and Massimo Dutti), has posted the highest profit in its history in 2024, despite growing at a slower pace than in previous years. All of this took place against a backdrop of strong internation...
Zealand Pharma broke a C25 record and delivered the biggest one-day gain for a C25 company on Wednesday Rekordstort kurshop til Zealand Pharma – ny Novo-nedtur: Disse aktier tog fokusRekordstort kurshop til Zealand Pharma – ny Novo-nedtur: Disse aktier tog fokusDagens børshandel er ovre på Københavns Fondsbørs, hvor C25-indekset lukkede med et plus på 0,40 pct. Og det kan in
- European shares gain on Ukraine developments
Asian stocks face declines in response to Trump’s on-off tariff plans
- Growing partnership: 3000 Hungarian jobs advertised at a job fair in Asia - DailyNewsHungary
In recent years, the economic partnership between the Philippines and Hungary has been expanding. Recently, a job fair with Hungarian job openings was held in Manila.
The Vojany-Uzhhorod gas pipeline is empty again after about a month. Ukrainians have stopped buying gas from Slovakia. Plynovod na Ukrajinu vyschol, náš východný sused už od nás neodoberá plyn -Ostatné dva dni sú nominácie slovenského prepravcu plynu pri plynovode Vojany-Užhorod na bude nule. Plynovod Vojany – Užhorod je približne po mesiaci znova prázdny. Ukrajinci prestali zo Slovenska odoberať plyn. Ešte koncom minulého týždňa prepravila slovenská spoločnosť Eustream vojanským plynovodo...
- Destinus to work with VDL on drone production: FD -
Swiss company Destinus is to work with Dutch industrial group VDL on the production of jet-engine-powered drones, the Financieele Dagblad reported on Tuesday. The Swiss group says it is in talks with the Dutch ministry of defence about supplying drones to the armed forces and has taken over the inve...
Trump's EU tariffs are likely to cause major damage – for the USA Studie des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft: Trumps EU-Zölle bewirken voraussichtlich großen Schaden – für die USAUS-Präsident Trump will mit Zöllen auf Stahl und Aluminium Druck auf Europa ausüben. Dabei dürfte vor allem die eigene Wirtschaft unter dem Handelsstreit leiden, wie eine Studie des IfW prognostiziert.
Sanctions don't work: The European Union bought billions of dollars worth of metal from Russia. Time to replace Russian Metal with Canadian Metal Sanktsioonid ei tööta: Euroopa Liit ostis miljardite eest Venemaalt metalliMullu importis Euroopa Liit Venemaalt 5,34 miljonit tonni kaevandus- ja metallurgiakompleksi tooteid, kirjutas portaal Unian teisipäeval.
Mineral wealth is not enough for Trump. He wants Zelensky to give part of Ukraine to Putin Nerastné bohatstvo Trumpovi nestačí. Od Zelenského chce, aby dal časť Ukrajiny PutinoviMožno bude dokonca požadovať kroky vedúce k odstúpeniu ukrajinského prezidenta z funkcie.
- Spotify says it paid musicians $10bn in royalties in 2024
Money is paid to rightsholders, rather than directly to artists, and is based on their percentage of total streams over the year
- Trump may be in no mood for a deal with EU on tariffs
EU tariffs will try to bring Trump to negotiating table by hitting exports from Republican states
The European Defense Loan is intended for European weapons purchases The European Commission does not want to provide loans to member states to purchase US weapons Euroopa kaitselaen on mõeldud Euroopa relvade ostuksEuroopa kaitselaen on mõeldud Euroopa relvade ostuks. Euroopa Komisjon ei soovi liikmesriikidele laenu anda USA relvade ostmiseks, küll aga soovitab vajadusel ühtekuuluvusfondide raha suunata kaitseinvesteeringuteks. Geopoliitika, Euroopa Komisjon.
The EU is open to increasing defence budgets that will not be included in fiscal rules Countries such as Spain, Poland and France are advocating that the current concept be broadened La UE se abre a ampliar las partidas de defensa que no computarán en las reglas fiscalesPaíses como España, Polonia y Francia defienden que se ensanche el concepto actual para dar cabida a otros gastos, como los soldados o la lucha contra ciberataques