Buy From EU
Secure and privacy respecting recommendations for technology.
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> A switch away from US big-tech is great, but the switch should be made to something fundamentally better and more secure/privacy preserving IMO. > > Not every single tool you might need will have a recommendation on this website, but some will and they're well researched and vetted alternatives that often perform better than the service you're replacing.
Ethletic: German brand of vegan, ethical sneakers Fair & vegan Sneakers | Ethletic Online Shop | Fair. Vegan. Sustainable.At Ethletic you'll find vegan sneaker in many shapes and colors. All shoes are made from Fairtrade-certified organic cotton and 100% cruelty-free. Social and ecological sustainability in every shoe.
cross-posted from: >They are not european-made but are made in Pakistan in fair working conditions. Their whole supply chain is fully traceable and use FSC-certified sustainable rubber, Fairtrade certified organic cotton or recycled PU leather. Additionally, part of the sale of each pair goes to an independently managed fund that provides healthcare, pensions and education to the workers and their families. > > They are rated GREAT on > > I've own maybe half a dozen pairs over the years, they are a great alternative to Converse or Vans skate shoes and offer original models too. The stitched-soles models are decently durable, the vulc models don't last as long but they are supremely comfortable.